


European survey on Urban Green
for health and well being

If you are involved in an Urban green care initiative which includes specific projects, initiatives, interventions, and services that operationalise nature prescriptions in urban and peri-urban green spaces while incorporating and promoting human health and well-being in their mission, vision and activities, please fill in our survey by clicking the link below.

European survey on nature-based tourism
for health and well being

The Green care tourism survey aims to better understand the initiatives that provide tourism experiences and products that support tourists in search of health and well-being by contact with nature.

Our researchers want to understand factors like the initiatives'customer base, needs and market for the creation of a market outlook on green care tourism. Please take the survey to help us understand the green care market!



Green Care: from academic theory to entrepreneurial practice

Interested in starting your own business in Green Care? Our team designed a high-level online course in entrepreneurship and innovation for students and professionals in the field of Green Care.

The course will be run on a specialist high-quality and moodle-based Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) and taught by Green4C’s well-trained team of professionals and scientists. The course will use online mentoring, forums, webinars and much more, to enhance the learning experience.

The 1st edition of our e-learning course will start in October 2021 and end in January 2022. Learn more on our website!



Green4C interviews:
Chia-pin Yu, NTU Professor

Chatting with the world’s leading experts in Green Care.


University College Dublin and Social Farming

Celebrating 15 Years’ Involvement in Social Farming Research.


Green4C at the Connecting Nature Summit

During the Connecting Nature Enterprise Summit Poznań our team had the opportunity to hold a booth: a moment of online discussion with all the people interested in the project and in the concept of Green Care itself.



Our team is getting ready for the big launches: between September and October there will be the first local events in Austria, Romania and Italy...and then there will be the Irish, the Dutch and the international launches.

Keep following us to discover the dates!


Find out more about Green4C project


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Green4C is a Knowledge Alliance Project (612623-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-KA). This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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